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World selection portfolios

Make the most of HSBC's global network to grow your wealth

HSBC world selection portfolios

Take advantage of a wide range of investment opportunities on an international scale.


Here's what you get:

  • Five different funds
    Accommodating different levels of risk and return according to your comfort level.
  • International, diverse investments
    Choose the ones most appropriate for your financial goals.
  • Hand-picked fund managers and analysts
    Experts who can spot good investments around the world.
  • Daily monitoring by our global network of investment experts
    Making sure your investment remains within the risk category you have selected.

Investment requirements

  • Market - choose from both developed and emerging market funds. Some focus on one country or region, others are spread across the world. This can affect the level of volatility and potential for return.
  • Currency - boost the value of your investment, by tactically using currency exposure.
Investment requirements
Fund details How much you need:
Minimum investment (lump sum) 10,000/$ or €/£ equivalent
Minimum subsequent investment (retail share class) 1,000/$ or €/£ equivalent
Regular investment plan - minimum investment 250/$ or €/£ equivalent1
Initial charge 3%
Annual management charge (retail share class) 1.00 – 1.30%
Base currency US Dollar
Investment requirements
Fund details Minimum investment (lump sum)
How much you need: 10,000/$ or €/£ equivalent
Fund details Minimum subsequent investment (retail share class)
How much you need: 1,000/$ or €/£ equivalent
Fund details Regular investment plan - minimum investment
How much you need: 250/$ or €/£ equivalent1
Fund details Initial charge
How much you need: 3%
Fund details Annual management charge (retail share class)
How much you need: 1.00 – 1.30%
Fund details Base currency
How much you need: US Dollar


You are eligible for HSBC World Selection if:

  • You're a Qatar resident
  • You're an existing HSBC customer

Apply now


1Terms and conditions apply.


This information is neither an offer to sell, purchase or subscribe for any investment nor a solicitation of such an offer. This information is general and does not take into account a person's individual circumstances, objectives or needs. Investments carry risk and values may go up as well as down. Before you make any investment decisions, you may wish to consult a financial adviser. Please visit any of our branches or contact your relationship manager to make an appointment.

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